International Noise Awareness Day

international noise awareness day soundlife blogpost

International Noise Awareness Day

On April 26, 2023, SoundLife Hearing partake in celebrating the 28th Annual International Noise Awareness Day. This encourages positive action in the community and helps spread knowledge of the negative effects of noise on hearing, health, and quality of life.

We urge everyone to get involved with different noise awareness campaigns. Also, it is better to know the important things about the dangers and effects of excessive noise exposure and how it can impact our hearing health and lead to other health problems. 

The Impact of Noise on Hearing

Noise is one of the main causes of the 466 million people who suffer from moderate to severe hearing loss worldwide. While exposure to noise can harm hearing in persons of any age, research has indicated that young people are particularly at risk due to musically based recreational activities or occupational hazards. 

According to Malaysia’s Department of Occupational Safety and Health, a total of 2478 cases of occupational noise-induced hearing disorders (Noise-induced Hearing Loss, Hearing Impairment, and Permanent Standard Threshold Shift) were confirmed in 2017. When compared to other diseases, these disorders continue to be the most prevalent occupational disease experienced by workers (63.7%). (DOSH,2017)

The WHO estimates that noise exposure in recreational contexts puts 1.1 billion young people (aged 12-35) at risk of hearing damage. One of the main goals of International Noise Awareness Day is to raise awareness of the fact that, despite being permanent, noise-induced hearing loss is completely preventable by following a few easy precautions.

3 Steps Towards Healthy Hearing

1. Limiting exposure to noise

Exposure to everyday sounds can result in permanent hearing loss if the volume is too loud. Protect your hearing by turning down the volume, wearing hearing protection or even walking away from the noise source. Adults shall constantly educate their children about noise.

2. Get your hearing tested

You may try out our Online Hearing Test at home for hearing screening too if you suspect yourself having any hearing test. Yet the best way is to include annual hearing tests in your entire health and wellness routine. 

3. If advised, follow up with a complete hearing assessment and management 

Get a comprehensive hearing evaluation, audiologist will advise you on the proper way to take care your hearing and make sure you comply with your audiologist’s advice. Shall any hearing loss is diagnosed, proper hearing loss management shall be taken to ensure the deterioration of the loss. Your quality of life, hearing, and health depend on it!

What is Occupational Hearing Loss?

It defines a hearing impairment in one or both ears, whether it is partial or complete, brought on by a person’s line of work. Acoustic trauma and hearing loss caused by noise are included. Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) concluded preventive measures on exposure to loud noise at the workplace.

Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), FMA, Reg. 5 & 6 (Noise Exposure) 1989

  1. No employee shall be exposed to noise levels exceeding the equivalent continuous sound level of 90 dB (A) or exceeding the limits specified in the First Schedule or exceeding the daily noise dose of unity.
  2. No employee shall be exposed to noise levels exceeding 115 dB (A) at any time.
  3. No employee shall be exposed to impulsive noise exceeding a peak sound pressure level of 140 dB.

How to Know a Workplace Noise Is Dangerous?

There is just one way to find out. Have a registered noise expert examine the noise so that noise monitoring can be done. There are two basic types, these are:

  1. Area Monitoring. Use a sound-level meter to locate places at work where workers’ hearing might be at risk.
  2. Personal Monitoring. Evaluate an individual’s daily noise dosage exposure using a dosimeter.

There are so many ways to get involved in this global campaign. Sharing this information with your family, friends, and loved ones or posting it on your social media can greatly impact one’s life. Contact us, SoundLife Hearing, to get your hearing tested. Our voices will reverberate when we speak as one, and we’ll achieve our goal of a quieter world!
