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Oticon Real™ Stay sharp in the real world

Oticon Real, powered by Polaris R™ and RealSound Technology™, is equipped with innovative technology tailored to handle life’s real sounds. Building on the advancements of Oticon More™, it offers patients access to all relevant sounds, maintaining balance and delivering exceptional clarity and detail. Additionally, Oticon Real features technologies that effectively manage sudden disruptive sounds and minimize wind and handling noise, ensuring patients remain comfortable and alert in everyday situations.

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Deep Neural Network (DNN)

The Oticon Real hearing aid includes a built-in Deep Neural Network (DNN) trained with 12 million real-world sound scenarios. This helps make sounds clearer and sharper across different listening situations.

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Polaris R Platform

In Oticon Real, the Polaris R platform has special detectors that quickly and accurately handle loud or disruptive sounds. This means it automatically processes all sound details really well, giving you the best sound experience possible.

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MoreSound Intelligence 2.0; with Wind and Handling Stabilizer

In Oticon Real, MoreSound Intelligence 2.0 helps you hear all the important sounds around you. It also includes a Wind & Handling Stabilizer feature, which makes listening more comfortable, even in windy situations or when you’re moving the device around.

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MoreSound Optimizer

With MoreSound Optimizer in Oticon Real, feedback is detected and stopped before it happens. This means the hearing aid can maintain the best sound level all day long without any annoying whistling sounds.

smartcharger on the go
SmartCharger on the go!

Portable SmartCharger with a durable protective case and desktop charger for reliable recharging wherever you go.

Oticon Products

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