What is Dangerous Decibels?

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Did you know that there are 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of hearing loss because of unsafe loud listening levels from personal audio devices, clubs and concerts? (World Health Organization, 2014). You might be unaware that being exposed to loud sounds can damage hearing but in fact, noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has been the highest notifiable occupational health issue among Malaysian workers in 2014 (Department of Occupational Safety and Health, 2014). 

What is Dangerous Decibels?

Dangerous Decibels is a classroom program conducted by certified Dangerous Decibels educators that uses the principals of inquiry-based learning, aiming to reduce the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. This evidence-based classroom program has shown to be effective at improving a person’s hearing-health knowledge, listening attitude and behavior to prevent noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. It is suitable for children, young adults, musicians, factory workers and anyone who is interested in hearing loss prevention.  

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Showcase of Dangerous Decibels during Better Hearing Carnival organized between 26th – 28th July 2019 at Everyday Mall Exhibition, USJ One.

What are the benefits?

Through a series of interactive activities, the participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of sound
  • Understand the concept of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus
  • Identify the source of loud noise
  • Experience the difference in sound perceived by the hearing impaired and the normal hearing population
  • Learn about ways to protect your hearing
  • Learn about how to wear earplug properly 

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Participants will learn to measure sound pressure level using sound level meter

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The materials

Remember, damaged ear (especially cochlear hair cells) cannot be regenerated. So, join our Dangerous Decibels® classroom program and learn how to protect your hearing for years to come! 

Prevention is better than cure!

Click here to join our next class.

Our Educator

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Ms. Alleya Cheng is a certified Dangerous Decibels educator since March 2019. She is a senior audiologist and the founder of Soundlife in Petaling Jaya and Klang. With 7 years of working experience as an audiologist in different sub-industries, Ms. Alleya Cheng is experienced in handling different hearing and tinnitus cases whom her patients range from newborn to elderly. She is also passionate in increasing hearing awareness to public because ‘Sound is Life’.

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Ms. Lai Pheng, who is passionate about spreading awareness to the public on the danger of loud sounds, has been actively participating in many Dangerous Decibels events ever since she was certified as a Dangerous Decibels educator on March 2017. She was also invited by UKM to facilitate the Dangerous Decibels workshop conducted annually to train new batches of Dangerous Decibels educators. She obtained her Bachelor Degree of Audiology in 2018 and is currently pursuing her Masters in Audiology at UKM. She started working at Soundlife as locum audiologist since September 2018 and has experience in handling hearing loss patients over the past year.

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Soundlife Team